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What does God have to say about coming together in fellowship and community?


"As iron sharpens iron, so a friend sharpens a friend." Proverbs 27:17


"For where two or three are gathered together in My name, I am there among them." Matthew 18:20


It's important to God that we come together on a regular basis to build great relationships with each other and our community.  We believe in providing an inclusive and encouraging setting for our congregation and our guests, while giving praise to our Lord. 


We welcome you to join us!!


  News about the local activities, etc. of the Churches of Christ. 

REMEMBER: Christianity is the only religion in the world that promises heaven as our eternal home.      Check it out!!!
No manmade doctrine, no earthly headquarters, no legalism, just grace and truth through Jesus Christ. 
Deron Smith, Mike Mazzalongo and Jerry Anderson share the pulpit on a weekly rotation.
The Speaker for each week will be posted on this page.

Locally, find Information about The Ridge in "ValPak". A coupon packet mailed to a different zip code each month

Prov 16:3  Commit your work to the LORD, and your plans will be established. 

Don't have time to talk to others about Jesus?

Hand them a "ComeBackToTheBible" card and Tell them To visit Our Web Page
Yep, It's That Easy!

How many of our sins are washed away in Baptism?  Acts 22:16

How Many of them do you want to keep?
A special contribution will be taken up at worship on Aug 4th for the Union Island Church of Christ in relation to Hurricane Beryl 

Fellowship and eating, both are essential for Christians;
Dale Ridge is having a fellowship meal following worship services on Aug 4th. Visitors are welcome and encouraged.

Following the above event there will be a congregational meeting. 
Churches of Christ Plea For Our Nation to:
"Come Back To The Bible"

If you live locally in the Roanoke Valley or Botetourt County area click above on "SIGN UP" and be scheduled for Lesson # 1 "Who Has Authority In Religion"? Lesson
# 2&3 will follow.
The schedule is flexible in both time and location to fit your needs.

These Back to the Bible lessons use only Gods Word as it's source or IT WOULDN'T BE CALL "BACK TO THE BIBLE!!!


Gathering Together To Worship And Praise Our God


Sunday 07/21/2024 

10:30 AM Sermon 

Freedom In Christ

Presented by: Mike Mazzalongo


Dale Ridge Church of Christ Has A Theme For 2024:

"Come Back To The Bible"

We are spreading the Word far and wide in every way possible.

"Come join our Crusade"


August 3rd We Will Be At The Botetourt County Fairgrounds In Buchanan, Va. 8am-closing.



God gives the guidelines for what consists of true worship 

He did it in the OT, He did it again in the NT  HERE IS AN EXAMPLE

1 Corinthians 14:40 (Decently and in Order) 


Our order of worship:


Congregational Singing: (Eph 5:19;1 Cor 14:15)


Congregational Singing: (Eph 5:19;1 Cor 14:15) 


Prayer: (1 Thes 5:16-17)


 Congregational Singing: (Eph 5:19;1 Cor 14:15)


Communion: (Acts 20:7;1 Cor 16:2 EVERY Sunday)


 Congregational Singing: (Eph 5:19;1 Cor 14:15)


Prayer:  (1 Thes 5:16-17)


Contribution:  (1 Cor 16:2)


Congregational Scripture Reading: (different each week)


 Congregational Singing: (Eph 5:19; 1 Cor 14:15) 


Sermon: (2 Tim 4:1-2)  7/20  MIKE MAZZALONGO


 Congregational Singing: (Eph 5:19;1 Cor 14:15) 


 Congregational Singing: (Eph 5:19)


 Prayer & Dismissal: (1Thes 5:16-17)


 Note: Please read each of the above Scriptures CAREFULLY AND YOU WILL SEE THAT: Gods Word tells us what pleases Him in Worship. 1 Cor 14:40

God has given us the Authority to manipulate these in any fashion/order, BUT THEIR ARE RESTRICTIONS. 

Come Enjoy Worship GOD'S WAY


We Love Visitors, B 1


Jesus Teaches Us How. 
 We Teach the truth in love. 
That's the way Jesus did it.
Discover a New Life IN Christ.

How Do We Get "In Christ"
Read Romans 6:3-5
If God can make a "lightning bugs" butt light up, think what He can do with you.
Join Us Online:
Internet: - Dale Ridge Church of Christ;_Use Access Code 345-551-253

To Listen By Phone: Call +1-571-317-3116 Use Access Code 345-551-253

Not meant to replace in person contact with the Church. 

Did you read the disclosure?
1 Peter 2:9  But ye are a chosen generation, a royal priesthood, an holy nation, a peculiar people; that ye should shew forth the praises of him who hath called you out of darkness into his marvelous light: 

If it's your way or the highway, you're not different than the world, you're lost too. Let's do it God's Way because we Love Him.

Colossians 1:13-14 He has delivered us from the domain of darkness and transferred us to the Kingdom of His beloved Son, in whom we have redemption, the forgiveness of sins.

Are You Delivered, Redeemed and Forgiven?
Ongoing Ministry of The Ridge

Potter Children Home

Supported entirely by Churches of Christ


Concerning Their Thrift Store:

Since our donation room was too full for the December pickup, Potter Home is sending another truck on June 2nd, 2024

                         The History of Potter Home

It was Monday, October 9, 1899. Eldon Potter, the only son of Clinton and Mary Potter, died from Typhoid Fever. Clinton and Mary knew they would not have any other children or any descendants. They decided to start Potter Bible College on their 140-acre farm in honor of Eldon Potter and that school began classes in 1901. The school lasted for more than a decade but had financial difficulties and had to close. The Potters always had a heart for children and on Saturday, Nov. 7, 1914, the deed was filed and “Potter Orphan Home and School” was established where Potter Bible College once was. Since the Potters were members of the Church of Christ, they stipulated that the home was to always be under the control of members of the Church of Christ. Therefore, those on the Board of Trustees and all employees are members of the Church of Christ.

Clinton Potter passed away in 1934 and Mary Potter passed in 1936. Over the years, there have been difficult times. A series of fires in the 1940s destroyed the buildings on campus. But with the help of supporters, new buildings were built.

Since 1914, many changes have taken place in laws, regulations and policies but more than 7,000 children have called where the Potter’s farm used to be, “home.” As regulations changed over the years, services have been modified and added. For many years, children lived in the dormitory in a traditional “orphanage” setting. But as regulations changed, that way of providing for children passed into history. At that time, we began building new houses on campus for children in more of a typical family-style model. Rather than living in a hall with a “matron,” they live in a family setting with a set of “parents.” After the children moved out of the “dorm building” and into houses, the “dorm building” was converted into apartments for single-parent families who are unable to support themselves. Since that time, we have built additional housing for single-parent families in the form of quad-plexes. Single-parent families are provided individual apartments, utilities, food from the pantry, training in life skills and counseling.

The single parents work on goals, with the ultimate goal being to become self-supporting and move out. But, in addition to educational goals, they may have financial goals, parenting goals or goals in any number of areas. Potter Children’s Home has had single parents complete degrees or training in all kinds of areas of interest including business degrees, education degrees, nursing, vocational therapy, cosmetology and many others. While at Potter, they have many of their needs taken care of in a safe, caring environment.

Today, we still have children on campus who either don’t have parents or whose parents are not in a position to take care of them and provide for their needs. We want to help them have a “normal” life that other children experience and enjoy. Many have difficulties in their lives they need help in working through. Counseling is provided for all the residents.

As the number of residents has grown, the staff needs have grown, also. Significant remodeling has occurred to accommodate needed staff. Although changes and modifications have been made in the services over the years, the mission is still the same: guided by the love of God, we want to provide for those who cannot provide for themselves. We believe Clinton and Mary Potter have left quite a legacy that has now lasted for more than 100 years here in Bowling Green.

Potter Children’s Home is supported through and by private donations and does not charge anything for any of the services provided. If anyone is interested in taking a tour of the campus, we are happy to do that. Just call to set up a time.

2350 Nashville Rd: Bowling Green, KY 42101

Questions? See Carolyn M.





Watch For Us
Beginning each Wednesday from June 5th, 6pm the ladies at Dale Ridge will be having a class series entitled "The Gospel On The Ground by Kristi McLelland
(A Study of Acts)

Come Join In

ARRIVING August 3rd
Dale Ridge is looking forward to welcoming Ebenezer Amable from Ghana, our  2024 Bible Student attending Memphis School of Preaching (MSOP)
Ebenezer will be preaching to us August 4th.

Dale Ridge Ladies Class Previously Conducted at 10 AM on Thursdays will be changed to each Wednesday at 6:00 PM. beginning in June.  (Seperated classes for men and women.) Women are studying a book entitled "The Gospel On The Ground by Kristi McLelland    (A Study of Acts) The Men will be studying "Glorifying God"

August 3, 2024  Mountain Empire Men's Day,
"One Man and God" @ Central CofC , Johnson City, TN.

Aug 3rd=Want to meet us? Dale Ridge will be set up at the Buchanan, Va. fair grounds.

In keeping our emphasis on evangelizing in 2024
An additional email address has been created to allow the public in our community to sign up for the "Back To The Bible" 3 lesson in home study of: "Authority in religion", "The Church" and "What does the Bible say about salvation".
sign up now it's free and the schedule is filling up.
Check out Dale Ridge on Facebook:
Daleridgecofc  Church

For Short Devos and Scriptures with comment

Prov 16:3  Commit your work to the LORD, and your plans will be established. 

Col 3:17  Whatever you do, in word or deed, do it in the name of Jesus, giving thanks to God the father through Him.  Amen
April 13th Dale Ridge members passed out nearly 500 "Come Back to the Bible" cards and related material in front of Lowes at Bonsack, Va. THANK YOU LOWES FOR SUPPORTING THE BIBLE.

Future Events Coming Soon

Coming soon, Planned Evangelistic Event: Open To The Community, a One Day Class Covering All 3 Lessons in the "Back To The Bible" Series
Details to Follow 

FOR LOCAL: Drive thru our parking lot on Wednesday July 24, a booth will be set up to distribute information about Dale Ridge Church of Christ. 

Our 2024 Crusade is to spread the Word
"Come Back To The Bible" 

It Is Our Only Hope For Such A Time As This

The Greatest Event In The History Of Man


The Church of Christ was Prophesied by Jesus himself in:

Matt 16  Jesus said to them, “But who do you say that I am?” 

Matt 16:16  Simon Peter replied, “You are the Christ, the Son of the living God.”

Matt 16:18: Jesus said to Peter: And I tell you, you are Peter, and on this rock (the fact that Jesus is the Son of the living God) I will build my church, and the gates of hell shall not prevail against it. Matt 16:19 Jesus said: I will give you (Peter) the keys of the kingdom of heaven, and whatever you bind on earth shall be bound in heaven, and whatever you loose on earth shall be loosed in heaven.” 
Peter used those "Spiritual keys" to open the Church that Christ built on Pentecost in 33 AD. Many people whom Peter had just taught Acts 2:1-37 that Jesus is the Son of the living God then repented and were baptized for the remission of their sins, received the gift of the Holy Spirit and were added to the Church (Acts 2:38-42)
In 33 AD, There Was Only One Church in Jerusalem and there is only one Church of Christ today. (one body, many members, become one today, contact the Church of Christ near you.) 


It's Not Just an appeal, it's our CRUSADE: Come Back To The Bible.

Acts 2:47 Is the Church where you attend the one established in Acts 2:47 33 AD?

Is Jesus the only Head of the Church where you attend?



Ephesians 4:4-6

EPHESIANS 1:4-6 There is one body and one Spirit, just as you were called to the one hope that belongs to your call, one Lord, one faith, one baptism, one God and Father of all who is over all and through all and in all. 

 HIS Church is His Kingdom 

His Church worships and glorifies The King 

His Church accepts the New Testament as The Kings Decree

His Church makes this plea to the world around us:

"Come Back To The Bible".

God Said It, I Believe It, That Settles It


Praise God For Keeping His Promises


1 Peter 3:20-22 because they formerly did not obey, when God's patience waited in the days of Noah, while the ark was being prepared, in which a few, that is, eight persons, were brought safely through water. Baptism, which corresponds to this, now saves you, not as a removal of dirt from the body but as an appeal to God for a good conscience, through the resurrection of Jesus Christ, who has gone into heaven and is at the right hand of God, with angels, authorities, and powers having been subjected to him. 
Were you safely brought through water?

Were you SAFE before or after baptism?
From the initial 10 commandments delivered to Moses by God, the Pharisees and Scribes added approximately 613 additional commandments and thus MAN has continued to this day in vain to improve/change/add to/take away/abuse/mis-interpret and defile God's Word.
Christians, STAND UP!!! ring out the message loud and clear:

Don't Follow Mans Doctrines, Creed Books or Manuals. Do not follow any Mans Opinion 

Searching For A Church? Don't Fall Into The Trap Of  Being The Modern Church of today.
See The Big Picture.

When Ministry becomes Performance,
then the Sanctuary becomes a Theater,
the Congregation becomes an Audience,
Worship becomes Entertainment, and man’s Applause and Approval become the Measure of Mans Success.

Author Unknown


Every Child Is A Gift From God
IF YOU ARE A PARENT, YOU ALREADY KNOW WHAT A GREAT RESPONSIBILITY IT IS RAISING A CHILD. Each child is like a sponge. They soak up knowledge from their environment, so provide the best possible environment.

Bring Them To Church!!
Prov 22:6; Eph 6:1-3


Has the condition of our nation and the world caused you, as a Christian to doubt your faith?
Make a commitment right now to:
Read Gods Word every day.

Pray More every day.
Worship God Every 1st Day of the Week.

The ONLY Remedy for OUR Nation is to: 
"Come Back To The Bible"

   Worshipping God in Spirit and Truth Is Different Than Entertaining Ourselves. 
Think about it: God is only interested in our heart. It's what comes out of our mouth that reveals our heart, not what instruments we play. Lk 6:45

John 4:24  God is a Spirit: and they that worship him must worship him in spirit and in truth. 
Where can we find what qualifies as Spirit and truth? (
Only In The Bible)
The Church is everything, 
everything else is just everything else.
Is it everything to YOU?
Remember to pray for those in Ukraine, Gaza and Israel and those effected by storms, hurricanes and tornados. Also many Christians are being persecuted all over the world.
Don't forget to pray for OUR country, we are in trying times. 
Pray also for OUR Church Family and those whom we endeavor to teach the Gospel.
Read about the conversion of Simon the Sorcerer in Acts 8. He believed what Philip was teaching. He was baptized just like the others. All became Christians, but Simon committed a sin against God after He became a Christian. Peter called him out by saying his heart was not right with God. Simon acknowledged his sin. Peter told him to pray to God for forgiveness. Simon asked Peter to pray for him also.  
From this example we learn that when we sin after becoming a Christian, we don't need to be re-baptized for the remission of those sins. We are shown here to repent and pray to God for forgiveness. And ask others to pray for us also. 

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